Planetarium Show: "Rosetta"

Planetarium Show: "5,000 Eyes - Mapping the Universe with DESI"


Mayan Archeoastronomy

Private Planetarium Experience (Group)

Drifting North: Into Polar Night

Into the Deep

Rising Star

Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Rapid Space Shorts

Max Goes to the Moon

Exploring New Horizons

Phantom of the Universe

Saturn & Beyond

One World, One Sky: Big Bird's Adventure


Big Astronomy

Global Soundscapes

A Place Like No Other

Space Mission

One Sky

River of Bears

Aurora: Lights of Wonder

Mars: The Ultimate Voyage

Sounds of the Ocean

Virtual Astronomy Club

Halloween: Celestial Origins


Supermassive Black Holes

Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon

Pink Floyd: The Wall

Pink Floyd: Wish you were here

Led Zeppelin

Conversations in the Dome

Larry Cat in Space

Cosmic Colors

Forward to the Moon

Seven Wonders

Mysteries of your brain

Dinosaur Passage to Pangaea

From Earth to the Universe

Flight Adventures


Dinosaurs under the northern lights

Kiuguyat: The Northern Lights

The Sun: Our Living Star

Earth, Moon, and Sun

Add-on Private Planetarium Experience (Group)