Climate Giving Circle

Help us build a sustainable future.

Please choose your donation amount below.

Our work to reduce our carbon footprint and protect the environment is ongoing. We are committed to continue working towards increasing sustainability and supporting our communities in the same.  We think museums have an important role to play in working towards a better future. 

Support our climate and sustainability initiatives with a gift of $500, or more and join the Climate Giving Circle.

As a giving circle member, 3-4 times a year meet other members who care about the museum and our planet, connect with staff engaged in this work, and make a bigger impact through the collective strength of your gifts.

And, all climate Giving Circle Gifts will unlock more funds to further our sustainability planning and action thanks to an award from the National Endowment for the Humanities.


Please contact a member of the Development Team at [email protected] to set up a pledge to join the Climate Giving Circle by making payments.

Climate Giving Circle $500.00