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Cold War in Alaska Symposium

DATE: Saturday 4/5/25   TIME: 10:45am - 3:45pm

In support of the exhibition: Cold War to the Cosmos: Early Distant Warning Systems and the Arctic, the Anchorage Museum hosts a symposium to explore the history of the Cold War and the effect on Alaska and its people. Presentations by award-winning author Chalers Wohlforth, Indigenous History Professor Dr. Holly Guise, and ADN Writer Zachariah Hughes are followed with a moderated panel discussion and a hosted visit to the exhibition. Boxed lunches are available for pre-purchase only. $30 (+ optional $25 boxed lunch from Muse. All meals include chips, a cookie, a canned beverage, or bottled water. ). 


Symposium Schedule 

10am – Doors Open 

10:45 – Introduction and Opening Remarks by Adam Baldwin, Deputy Director, Visitor Engagement at the Anchorage Museum  

11:00 – Presentation by Zachariah Hughes Old, Cold and Sold: Long Range Radars in the Privatized Post-Cold War Era 

Noon – Online Presentation by Dr. Holly Guise Alaska Native Workers and Students of the Cold War 

1pm – Lunch Break  

1:45 – Presentation by Charles Wohlforth Cold War Pioneers: The 1950s Formation of Alaska's Political and Economic Identity 

2:45 – Moderated Panel Discussion (Dr. Julie Decker – Moderator, Dr. Ian Hartman, Zachariah Hughes, Charles Wohlforth & Mead Treadwell – Panelists) 

3:45 – Invitation to tour Cold War to the Cosmos: Early Distant Warning Systems and the Arctic hosted by Dr. Julie Decker, Dr Ian Hartman, Sierra Young and Adam Baldwin 


Ticket Selection

EVENT: Cold War in Alaska Symposium
Adult (no lunch)


Box Lunch - Veggie Sandwich


Box Lunch - Indian Bowl(GF/Veg option)


Box Lunch - Pastrami Sandwich


Box Lunch - Turkey Brie Sandwich


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